Time to learn online: new workshops

Online leadership learning. Is it for you? Why wouldn’t it be?

Aside from financial and time-saving benefits, online workshops are now a proven method for learning, and one that leading-edge organisations around the world are using more and more.

Harvard Business Publishing, Corporate Learning, reports that a few years back, leadership development professionals were being asked why they were investing in virtual learning initiatives. Today, they’re more likely to be asked why they’re not.

Dr Kim Vella has recently introduced all her courses online (face-to-face workshops also still available).


  • No more travel time or expenses.
  • No more accommodation expenses.
  • Access from anywhere that has an Internet connection—in your backyard, bedroom, living room, in a cafe, while you’re on a bus, plane or train.
  • Access anytime, providing flexibility to fit professional development around your work schedule, family time, personal priorities and other matters going on in your life.
  • Opens opportunities to learn from, and connect with, other participants from across the country, broadening your networks.
  • Ability to tap into learning from a top-notch trainer who isn’t located where you are.
  • Ability to include more management and staff in training.

How are Kim’s online workshops different than her face-to-face workshops?

Kim’s online workshops share similar features and formats with her face-to-face workshops.

Both formats are:

  • evidence-based, drawing on the latest research and scientific knowledge
  • interactive, making sure you feel part of the learning community
  • engaging, using a combination of short presentations, videos, whole and small-group discussion and exercises, and individual reflection
  • collaborative, drawing on the valuable experience, wisdom and diversity of everyone in the workshop
  • packed with useful resources (provided electronically for online workshops)
  • able to accommodate varied learning styles.

All leadership workshops are two days of intensive but inspirational learning. They’re guaranteed to give you the skills and tools you need to get to the next level.

So what do you need to participate?

All you need is a webcam and a broadband Internet connection. Depending on the location in which you’re learning, a headset may be needed.

No special software or programming required.

What workshops are available?

Strategic Leadership Program—13 to 14 May and 5 to 6 June

Leadership Essentials for New Managers—28 to 29 August and 25 to 26 September

Become an Amazing Woman Leader—13 to 14 November

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